
How to make memes ? Step by step process and tips . Essential things to make memes.

How to make memes?  To make memes there are some steps you have to follow. If you're a beginner and If you're friends call you normie or lamer then this is for you. First get some sense of humour : How to become a pro memer on any other social platforms. To become a pro memer you have to get some sense of humour in your brain. Nowadays everyone want to be a good memer at Facebook, Instagram but due to lack of humour they fail to make laugh the audience as they are known to lame memer. If you want to be a good memer  then first visit some good meme pages  or meme groups on social media, it will be worth for you. Then see their memes quality. Remember visit only quality meme groups. Then start your own meme making process. Platforms : which platforms is best for memes and memers? If you're beginner then I recommend Facebook will be perfect platform for you . After practising you can switch to Instagram or other several platforms. Observation:   Creating meme by own is ...